Helping Pilots Become Safer And More Proficient

What I Offer

Flying The Kitfox

Flight Instruction

$80 per hour

All flight instruction, including flight reviews and tailwheel endorsements, are charged at this price per clock hour.

PA 22/20 Pacer

Piper Pacer Rental

$180 per tach hour

I’ve always hated being billed off the Hobbs. I think it incentivizes poor practices, like not warming up the aircraft and generally feeling rushed. Tach time is what maintenance is based on, so I extend that to my customers, too.

Note: Aircraft rental is only with instructor.

AME Office

Aviation Medical Exams

$200 for FAA Second or Third Class exam

$100 for Aviation Medical Consult

$100 for BasicMed exam

If you are not certain that you’ll pass an official FAA exam, I encourage a consult first, so we can have a discussion about your conditions and how they might affect your options as a pilot. If you choose to then have an official FAA exam, I will apply a discount to that exam.

Note: As I am not a Senior AME, I cannot provide First-class Medical certificates at this time.

Schedule your appointment


As my schedule is irregular and chaotic, all appointments need to be cleared by me before they are finalized. Feel free to send a message first through the Contact Me form below so that we can find a time that works best.

Of course, flying is impacted by weather, so weather cancelations can occur. If either you or I are uncomfortable with the weather, we will not fly.

About Me

I’ve been flying for over 30 years, and have been a physician since 2007. My passions include flying of all kinds, health, safety, and flying, and especially STOL.

After several unnecessary and tragic deaths of pilot physicians to whom I had a connection, I felt that that I might make the most difference in saving the lives of pilots by helping them in the areas of personal airworthiness and proficiency.

So I did the work to add CFI and AME after my name, in hopes that what I’ve learned can benefit you.

With Crash Test Dummy

Contact Me

Interested in my services? Use this form to send me a message. If you include a phone number, I can text you back.