My Services
I offer the following services on a time-available basis. Please make direct contact with me through the Contact form, or email or text through the information at the bottom of this page, before finalizing your schedule with me. I’ll do all I can to make it work.
Flight Instruction
I fly in your plane or mine. Of course, I reserve the right to decide if I feel that we can be safe in any give airplane, so I don’t promise that I’ll fly in every plane. As an A&P, I may do a thorough review of your aircraft logbooks before we begin, and may ask to spend some time looking closely at the aircraft.
Aircraft Rental
I do tailwheel and STOL technique training in a 1957 Piper PA-22/20, a converted Tri-Pacer. It’s not an easy airplane to fly, and exhibits all of the regular bad habits of tailwheel airplanes, so you’ll learn a lot about left- and right-turning tendencies, bounces, poor forward visibility on take-off and landing, and you generally will be out of your comfort zone when you start.
But it will make you a better pilot.
Medical Consults
and Exams
The standard Second- or Third-class FAA Aviation Medical Exam is $200. These can only be done in my office at the Elizabethton Municipal Airport FBO. I am unable to provide First-class Medical Certificates at this time.
If it becomes necessary to defer you and you desire that I upload additional documentation beyond what we cover on your exam day, there will be extra expense depending on how much we need to do.
If you’re not certain that you will pass an FAA exam, I encourage you to schedule a consult with me. These cost $100, but I will apply half that toward your regular exam if you decide to proceed. I can do consults over Zoom or Facetime if you’d prefer.
For pilots who qualify and who only need a BasicMed exam, I offer those exams for $100.